Tekla Structures – Weld

Introduction               To create welds in Tekla Structures, you can:

•      Create single welds

•      Apply components that automatically create welds

Creating                      Tekla Structures forms assemblies based on where the weld should be made. You can create: assemblies

•      Workshop welds

•      Site welds

T The Connect part/assembly setting in the Weld properties dialog box also affects assemblies.

Tekla Structures uses the order in which you select the parts when creating the weld to determine the primary and secondary parts of the assembly. This affects drawings.

The first part you select becomes the primary part of the assembly. Tekla Structures dimensions secondary part(s) relative to the primary part in assembly drawings. The largest primary part in the weld becomes the main part of the assembly.

When you connect assemblies, the first part you select determines the assembly to which you weld sub-assemblies.

Visibility in views To have welds visible in views, open the Display dialog box and set weld visibility to Exact. Tekla Structures displays all weld types in a similar way.

Creating welds

You can create the following types of welds:


Regular welds. Tekla Structures welds the two parts together using the weld position in the Weld properties dialog box. The length of the weld depends on the length of the connection between the welded parts.

Polygon welds. You define the exact position of the weld by picking the points you want the weld to traverse.

Single part welds.

If you move welded parts, polygon welds move with the primary part.
For detailed instructions on how to create welds, see:
Weld symbols in drawings
Weld properties Tekla Structures shows the properties of the weld in the weld symbol in drawings, as shown below.
MJ    Contour

(2J    Weld no Reference text

(3J    Size

(4J   Type

fsj    Weld around

nej    Length

MM    Angle

faj    Finish

m)    Site weld

f2J    Pitch (c-to-c spacing)

f3J    Lenght

C4)    Stitch weld

12IS1V \
m) Effective throat f2J Root opening
Reference line and arrow

Arrow and other side

The weld symbol also contains a reference line and an arrow. The arrow connects the reference line to the arrow side of a connection.

When parts are welded together, you can place welds on:

•      The arrow sides only

•      The other sides only

•      Both the arrow and other sides

The welds on the arrow and other sides of a part can have different weld properties.

By default, the properties you define for a weld on the arrow side appear above the reference line in drawings. The properties of an other-side weld appear below the reference line in the weld symbol.

To show the arrow-side weld properties below the reference line in a weld symbol and the other-side properties above, use the variable XS_AISC_WELD_MARK.
114 TEKLA STRUCTURES 14.0 Detailing
Weld properties
Size This section describes weld properties. See the image below.
fl) Size

(2J Root face thickness (RFT)


Weld preparation groove angle

If you enter a zero or negative weld size, Tekla Structures creates the weld, but does not display it drawings.

When parts are prepared for welding, their edges can be beveled to produce a groove for the weld. This type of weld preparation is commonly used for V-type welds. You can define the angle of bevels and grooves. Tekla Structures displays the angle between the weld type symbol and the fill type contour symbol. For more information on weld preparation.

The fill type contour of a weld can be:

•      None

•      Flush —-

•      Convex -^.

•      Concave *w

Finish Tekla Structures displays the finish symbol above the weld type symbol in drawings. The options are:

•      G (Grind)

•      M (Machine)

•      C (Chip)

The length of a regular weld depends on the length of the connection between the welded parts. You can set the exact length of a polygon weld by, for example, defining the start and end points of the weld.

To create a non-continuous weld, define the center-to-center spacing and the pitch of the welds. Tekla Structures calculates the distance between the welds as the pitch minus the length of the weld.


By default, Tekla Structures uses the character – to separate weld length and pitch, e.g. 50–100. To change the separator to @, for example, set the variable: XS_WELD_LENGTH_CC_SEPARATOR_CHAR=@.

Root face and             Root face is the height of the narrowest part inside the root opening. The RFT fields in the

RFT                             connection dialog boxes also refer to the root face (thickness).

TEKLA STRUCTURES 14.0 Detailing 115
Effective throat Root opening Edge/Around


Neither root face nor RFT values appear in drawings, but you can use the WELD_ROOT_FACE_THICKNESS field in reports to show the root face dimension in the weld list.

Effective throat is the weld size used in weld strength calculation.

Root opening is the space between the welded parts.

Either one edge (Edge) or the entire perimeter of a face (Around) can be welded. A circle in the weld symbol in drawings indicates the Around option has been used.

Tekla Structures indicates site welds in the weld symbol using a flag.

f Where weld is to be made (workshop or site), affects assemblies and drawings.
Connect part/             Use the Connect part/assembly and Workshop/Site list boxes in the Weld properties dialog

assembly                    box to control how Tekla Structures creates assemblies. The order in which you select parts

when creating the connection determines the main and secondary parts of the assembly, or the

assembly hierarchy.

Connect part/ assembly Workshop/ Site Result
As sub-assembly Workshop Nested assembly with the assembly you are welding as a sub-assembly.

The first part you pick determines the assembly to which you are welding.

As sub-assembly Site
As secondary part Workshop Basic assembly with the part you are welding as a secondary part.

The first part you pick usually becomes the main part in the assembly.

As secondary part Site No assembly created.

Stitch                          To create stitch welds, select Yes in the Stitch weld list box. Stitch welds are staggered on both

sides of the part being welded. Tekla Structures shows the weld type symbols as staggered in weld symbols.

User-defined              Create additional properties for welds with user-defined attributes. See Adding properties in

attributes                    the online help.

Reference text            To enter additional text for the weld symbol, use the Reference text and Wtext fields. For

and Wtext                   example, information on the weld specification or process, etc.

Weld types
The table below shows the available weld types. Some weld types also automatically prepare the parts to be welded. For more information on weld preparation,
Weld type Name


None 0 No


Fillet weld 10 No


Bevel-groove (single-V butt weld) 3 Both parts


Bevel-groove (single-bevel butt weld) 4 Secondary part


Square-groove (square butt weld) 2 No


Single-V butt weld with broad root face 5 Both edges


Single-bevel butt weld with broad root face 6 Secondary part


U-groove weld (single U-butt weld) 7 Both parts


J-groove weld (single J-butt weld) 8 Secondary part


Flare V-groove weld 16 Both parts


Flare-bevel-groove weld 15 Secondary part


Edge-flange weld 1 No


Corner-flange weld 17 No


Plug weld 11 No


Bevel backing weld 9 No


Spot weld 12 No


Seam weld 13 No


Slot weld 14 No

^ + L

Partial penetration weld (single-bevel butt + fillet) 18 Secondary part

ll + ti

Partial penetration weld (square groove + fillet) 19 No
Weld position

You define the position of a weld relative to the work plane. The type and position of the parts to be welded affect the position of the weld.

The options for weld position are:

•     x

•     y

TEKLA STRUCTURES 14.0 117 Detailing
These can all be in a positive or negative direction. Tekla Structures creates the weld on the face or side of the part that faces in the selected direction (x, y, or z).

See the illustrations below:

Mj Secondary part f2J Main part
If there are no faces that touch in the specified direction, Tekla Structures places the weld relative to the center point of the secondary part.
MJ    Assembly main part

(2J    Assembly main part

f3J    Welding order

t4j    secondary

fs)    primary

Weld preparation
When preparing welds, Tekla Structures bevels the parts to be welded using an anti-material cutting part. Tekla Structures subsequently deletes this cutting part. Tekla Structures displays weld preparations using cyan dash-and-dot lines. Some weld types and connections also automatically prepare the parts to be welded.
To prevent automatic weld preparation, set the variable XS_DISABLE_WELD_PREP_SOLID=TRUE.
4.3 Fine-tuning part shape
Introduction This section describes the various tools you can use to fine-tune the shape of a part.
Some part corners can be chamfered. You can use the Chamfer command to shape the following parts: polybeam, contour plate, strip footing, concrete polybeam, concrete slab, and concrete panel.

Tekla Structures creates chamfers using the current properties in the Chamfer Properties dialog box. Click Detailing > Properties > Chamfer… to open the dialog box, or double-click an existing chamfer.

fl) Default chamfer f2J Modified chamfers
When Tekla Structures creates a part, by default it has a rectangular chamfer at each corner, which does not change the geometry of the part. To change the shape of a part corner:

1.    Set the chamfer properties.

2.    Click Detailing > Create Chamfer.

3.    Pick the corner(s) of the part to be chamfered. See the online help for more information on using this command.

Use the Fitting command to fit the part end to a picked plane. You can use fitting to make part shorter, for example.
We recommend to move part Handles (p. 130) to make the part longer.

Mj Fitting symbol
This command adjusts the end of a beam on a plane, perpendicular to the view plane, which passes through the cutting line you pick. Tekla Structures displays the fitting in the model using a blue fitting symbol. This command has no effect on contour plates.
Line cut Use cut to shape parts. Cut is not meant for cutting the entire part end. Either move part Handle
or use the Fitting
command instead.

You can create the following types of cuts for a part:

•     Line cut

•     Polygon cut

•     Part cut

A line cut shapes end of the beam or column.

Line cut cuts the end of a beam on a plane, perpendicular to the view plane, which passes through the cutting line you pick. Tekla Structures displays the cut in the model using a blue cut symbol.

Mj Exact representation (without symbol) (2J Fast representation (Cut symbol)
Polygon cut By default, line cuts do not affect beam length in NC files. To change this, see Fittings affect NC datathe online help.

See the online help for more detailed information on using this command.

This command cuts a part using a polygon. Tekla Structures displays the cut using dot-dash lines. You must create cuts in a plane view.

MJ Exact representation (without symbol) f2J Fast representation f3J Polygon-shaped cut
You should always define the polygon so that there is some tolerance between the edges. If the edge of a cutting polygon is in exactly the same position as the edge of the part to be cut, it can be unclear whether the edge should be cut away.
Part cut See online help for more detailed information on using this command.

This command creates an anti-material cutting part. Tekla Structures does not delete the original cutting part. An anti-material part only cuts the selected main part. Tekla Structures displays the anti-material part using dot-dash lines.

You can cut parts that already have cuts. For example, you can cut anti-material parts to create more sophisticated cut shapes.

MJ Cut symbol

(2J Hidden lines

f3J Hidden lines (cutting part deleted)

Do not create cuts with the same planes or vertices. This makes it unclear what should be cut away.
See online help for more detailed information on using this command.
Polygon shape
You can modify the shape of a polygonal part using the Detailing > Modify Polygon Shape command. You can use this command on the following parts:

•     polybeam

•     contour plate

•     strip footing

•     concrete polybeam

•     concrete slab

•     concrete panel

See the online help for more information on using this command.
4.4 Detailing commands
To fine-tune or detail your model, use the icons on the Detailing and Steel toolbars, or select commands from the Detailing menu. The following table lists the commands for detailing and gives a short description of each one.
Detailing command Icon Description
Create Bolts EMfc3 Creates a bolt group in a part/parts.
Edit Bolted Parts Changes the parts a bolt group connects.
Create Weld between Parts Creates a weld between two parts.
Create Polygon Weld Welds parts together using a polygon.
Create Weld to Part Creates a weld to a part without connecting any other parts.
Prepare Part for Welding m Prepares the parts to be welded.
Create Chamfer Chamfers part corners.
Fit Part End Creates a fitting to a part.
Cut Part > With Line Cuts the end of a beam on a plane, perpendicular to the work plane, which passes through the picked line.
Cut Part > With Polygon A Cuts a part using a polygon.
Cut Part > With Another Part Cuts a part with another part.
Modify Polygon Shape m Modifies the shape of a polygonal part.

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